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Silent Hill Downpour - Letra e Download da música do JD

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I start to search all the dark places that I have found
All the deep creases in my mind that are torn up somehow.

I want to keep the pace
I want to figure it out
I gotta do it this way
If I don't, everything's lost.

Have you ever really noticed the blanket of shame?
From the torment and pain?
As you realize that no one's ever been there
Have you ever looked at the violence you hide?
All the dying inside?
You can't escape, it's always been there

I dig a hole inside my hate to let the demons go.
I cut my flesh to push the hatred for so long ago.

I want to keep the pace
I want to figure it out
I gotta do it this way
If I don't, everything's lost.

Have you ever really noticed the blanket of shame?
From the torment and pain?
As you realize that no one's ever been there
Have you ever looked at the violence you hide?
All the dying inside?
You can't escape, it's always been there

Close my eyes, I go to sleep
He's always there, I start to weep

Fonte: Korn Brasil

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